These first two remind me of Josef Muller-Brockmann...and I just love the simplicity and structure. I guess I'm really drawn to solid colors, silhouettes, and strong text.

This next one is by Chris Ashworth. Gregg mentioned this guy to us in typography one day. Most of his stuff has really strong and interesting type. I love it.

I just stumbled upon this, and I think its great. The simplicity, the just looks so elegant to me.
Aaaaaand, this is what I do NOT like:
I'm sure someone was thinking "yeah, lets do something simple, and fresh....white background...simple text. That'll really be a good identity for Walmart's Great Value brand"
No, guys. This looks cheap.
I like simple....but not this. It just doesnt work for this brand...well, really, it wouldn't work for anything. Its ugly.